
Trading hours

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Trading hours in financial markets

Trading hours in financial markets refer to the trading sessions available for trading a specific trading instrument. These hours may vary between asset classes, markets, instruments and days of the week. XS offers access to multiple different asset classes. The opening and closing times of these markets may differ from one another.

Normal trading hours

Normal trading hours refer to the regular trading sessions available for trading in a specific financial market. The below tables show the normal trading hours of different financial instruments available for trading with XS.

Seasonal and market factors may affect the below trading hours, so it is important to follow the latest updates on Trading Holidays & Trading Notices pages to stay up to date with the latest seasonal changes to trading hours.

All timings in the tables are in server time. Our server operates on GMT+2 during standard time and switches to GMT+3 during U.S. Daylight Saving Time.


All Forex Pairs Monday 00:00 - Friday 23:55


XAU, XAG, XPD & XPT Pairs Monday 01:05 - Friday 23:55 (Daily Break: 00:00 - 00:59)


UKOIL Monday 03:00 - Friday 24:00 (Daily Break: 00:00:01 - 02:59:59)
USOIL Monday 01:05 - Friday 23:55 (Daily Break: 00:00 - 00:59)
NGAS Monday 01:00 - Friday 23:59 (Daily Break: 00:00 - 00:59)


AUS200 Monday - Friday: 01:00 – 24:00
DE40 Monday - Friday: 03:20 - 24:00
UK100 Monday - Friday: 01:00 – 24:00
F40 Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 23:00
EU50 Monday - Friday: 09:00 – 23:00
ES35 Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 21:00
JP225 Monday - Friday: 01:00 - 23:59
US30, US100, & US500 Monday - Friday: 01:00 - 24:00
RUSS2000 Monday - Friday: 01:00 – 24:00


Brent Oil Futures Monday 03:00 - Friday 23:59 (Daily Break: 00:00 - 02:59:59)
US Light Sweet Oil Future & Natural Gas Future Monday 01:00 - Friday 23:59 (Daily Break: 00:00 - 00:59:59)
US Dow Jones 30 Futures Index Monday - Friday: 01:00 - 23:59:59
US Nasdaq 100 Futures Index Monday - Friday: 01:00 - 23:59:59
US S&P 500 Futures Index Monday - Friday: 01:00 - 23:59:59
Germany 40 Futures Index Monday - Friday: 01:00 - 23:59:59
Gold Futures Monday 01:00 - Friday 23:59:59 (Daily Break: 00:00 - 00:59:59)


EU Stocks Monday - Friday: 10:00 - 18:30
US Stocks Monday – Friday 16:30 – 22:55
HK Stocks Monday - Friday: 04:30 - 11:00


All Cryptocurrencies 24/7 except during server maintenance.

Trading holidays

Normal trading hours schedule may be affected by some seasonal and market factors including market holidays. This can vary from country to country, and from trading instrument to another, so it is important to stay up to date with the upcoming changes and holiday trading hours to plan your trades accordingly.

The below section shows the latest updates about the upcoming holidays and their effect on trading hours of different financial instruments available for trading with XS.

All timings in the tables are in server time. Our server operates on GMT+2 during standard time and switches to GMT+3 during U.S. Daylight Saving Time.

Upcoming holidays

February 2025 Holiday Schedule
Category Instrument 17/2/2025
GMT +2
Presidents' Day
FX All FX Pairs Normal hours
Precious Metals XAUUSD, XAUEUR, XAGUSD, XAGEUR Early Close 21:30
XPTUSD, XPDUSD Early Close 21:30
Spot Energies NGAS (Spot) Early Close 21:30
USOIL (Spot) Early Close 21:30
Spot Indices JP225 Early close 20:00
US500 Early close 20:00
US100 Early close 20:00
US30 Early close 20:00
RUSS2000 Early close 20:00
Shares US Shares Pricing off
Commodity Futures GOLDXXX25 Early close 21:30
NGASXXX25 Early close 21:30
UKOILXXX25 Early close 21:30
USOILXXX25 Early close 21:30
Index Futures US30XXX25 Early close 20:00
US100XXX25 Early close 20:00
US500XXX25 Early close 20:00

Trading notices

Normal trading conditions may be affected by some seasonal and market factors. The below section shows the latest updates about the upcoming events and their effect on trading conditions.

All timings in the tables are in server time. Our server operates on GMT+2 during standard time and switches to GMT+3 during U.S. Daylight Saving Time.

Corporate Actions Scheduled for 17th - 21st March 2025

Open position on Shares or Indices at the start of the business day (Server Time 00:00), which coincides with the ex-date of the respective underlying asset, will be subject to dividend adjustments.

Long (Buy) positions will receive a payment, whereas short (sell) positions will be charged the amount.

Cash Indices between 17.03 - 21.03.2025

Symbol Mon 17 Mar, 2025 Tue 18 Mar, 2025 Wed 19 Mar, 2025 Thu 20 Mar, 2025 Fri 21 Mar, 2025
AUS200 0.56 1.3 0.3 0.98
EU50 4.71
JP225 0.58
UK100 1.54
US100 0.18 0.34 2.47
US30 4.98 2.46 1.44
US500 0.4 0.2 0.09 0.69 0.15
RUSS2000 0.16 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.06

Shares - Cash Dividends between 17.03 - 21.03.2025

Ex-Dividend Date Ticker Symbol Description Action Currency Dividends
17/03/2025 RYN Rayonier Rayonier Inc Cash Dividend USD 0.27
17/03/2025 HCA HCAHealthcare HCA Healthcare Inc Cash Dividend USD 0.72
17/03/2025 AFG AmericanFinancial American Financial Group Inc Cash Dividend USD 2
17/03/2025 AIG AmericanInternationalGroup American International Group Inc Cash Dividend USD 0.8
17/03/2025 DTE DteEnergyCompany Dte Energy Company Cash Dividend USD 1.09
17/03/2025 EXP EagleMaterials Eagle Materials Inc Cash Dividend USD 0.25
17/03/2025 FNF FidelityNationalFinancial Fidelity National Financial Cash Dividend USD 0.5
17/03/2025 HES Hess Hess Corp Cash Dividend USD 0.5
17/03/2025 ICE IntercontinentalExchange Intercontinental Exchange Inc / ICE Cash Dividend USD 0.48
17/03/2025 MRK Merck&Co Merck & Co Inc Cash Dividend USD 0.81
17/03/2025 MEOH Methanex Methanex Corp Cash Dividend USD 0.19
17/03/2025 NEU NewMarket NewMarket Corp Cash Dividend USD 2.75
17/03/2025 OCSL OaktreeSpecialtyLending Oaktree Specialty Lending Corp Cash Dividend USD 0.47
18/03/2026 CCK CrownHoldings Crown Holdings Inc Cash Dividend USD 0.26
18/03/2026 ROST RossStores Ross Stores Inc Cash Dividend USD 0.41
18/03/2026 TSM TaiwanSemiconductor Taiwan Semiconductor Mfg. Co. Ltd Cash Dividend USD 0.54
18/03/2026 ECL Ecolab Ecolab Inc Cash Dividend USD 0.65
18/03/2026 HBAN HuntingtonBancshares Huntington Bancshares Inc Cash Dividend USD 0.16
19/03/2027 NXPI NXPSemiconductorsNV NXP Semiconductors NV Cash Dividend USD 1.01
20/03/2027 SRE SempraEnergy Sempra Energy Cash Dividend USD 0.65
20/03/2027 AVGO Broadcom Broadcom Inc Cash Dividend USD 0.59
20/03/2027 PM PhilipMorrisInternational Philip Morris International Cash Dividend USD 1.35
20/03/2027 NDSN Nordson Nordson Corp Cash Dividend USD 0.78
20/03/2027 GSM Ferroglobe Ferroglobe PLC Cash Dividend USD 0.01
20/03/2027 RKT RocketCos Rocket Cos Inc - Class A Cash Dividend USD 0.8
21/03/2027 KSS Kohl's Kohl's Corp Cash Dividend USD 0.13
21/03/2027 CNQ CanadianNaturalResources Canadian Natural Resources Ltd / CNRL Cash Dividend USD 0.59
21/03/2027 HPE HewlettPackardEnterpriseCoHPE Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co / HPE Cash Dividend USD 0.13
21/03/2027 IFF IntlFlavors&Fragrances Intl Flavors & Fragrances Corp / IFF Cash Dividend USD 0.4
21/03/2027 WMT Walmart Walmart Inc Cash Dividend USD 0.24


There is a 4.383 dividend adjustment on US30. A client has a USD account and holds a long (buy) position of 20 US30. At the ex-date, they will receive a payment of 20*4.383 = 87.66 USD.

There is a 0.59 USD dividend payment for the share ‘Dollar General Corp’. A client has a USD account and holds a short (sell) position of 100 shares. At the ex-date, they will be charged 100*0.59 = -59.00 USD.

HMR Periods

HMR Period Between 17.03.2025- 21.03.2025
Date Day Time GMT+3 Name Currency Applied Start Time Applied End Time
17/03/2025 Monday 15:30 Retail Sales m/m USD 15:15 15:40
18/03/2025 Tuesday 15:30 CPI m/m CAD 15:15 15:40
19/03/2025 Wednesday 06:00 BoJ Interest Rate Decision JPY 05:45 06:10
19/03/2025 Wednesday 21:00 Federal Funds Rate USD 20:45 21:10
19/03/2025 Wednesday 21:30 FOMC Press Conference USD 21:15 21:40
20/03/2025 Thursday 00:45 GDP q/q NZD 00:30 00:55
20/03/2025 Thursday 03:30 Unemployment Rate AUD 03:15 03:40
20/03/2025 Thursday 10:00 Claimant Count Change GBP 09:45 10:10
20/03/2025 Thursday 11:30 SNB Policy Rate CHF 11:15 11:40
20/03/2025 Thursday 15:00 Official Bank Rate GBP 14:45 15:10
20/03/2025 Thursday 15:30 Unemployment Claims USD 15:15 15:40
21/03/2025 Friday 15:30 Retail Sales m/m CAD 15:15 15:40

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