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Beta is a measure of a stock’s volatility relative to the overall market. It indicates how much a stock's price is expected to move in relation to market movements. A beta of 1 means the stock’s price will likely move with the market, a beta greater than 1 indicates higher volatility than the market, and a beta less than 1 suggests lower volatility. Investors use beta to assess the risk associated with a stock. A high beta stock may offer greater returns but comes with higher risk, while a low beta stock is considered more stable but may offer lower returns.


A stock with a beta of 1.5 is expected to be 50% more volatile than the market. If the market rises by 10%, this stock might rise by 15%, but if the market falls by 10%, the stock might drop by 15%.

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Beta measures a stock’s volatility relative to the market.

A beta of 1 means the stock moves with the market; higher than 1 means more volatility; lower than 1 means less volatility.

Used by investors to assess risk and make portfolio decisions.

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It indicates that the stock is 50% more volatile than the market, meaning it is expected to experience larger price swings than the market average.

Beta helps investors understand the risk profile of a stock relative to the market, aiding in portfolio diversification and risk management.

Utility stocks and other defensive sectors usually have low beta values, indicating they are less volatile and more stable than the broader market.
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