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Acceptance Set

An acceptance set is a concept used in risk management and decision-making to describe a group of financial outcomes or scenarios that are considered acceptable or desirable under certain conditions. It represents the range of outcomes that meet specific criteria or standards, often related to a company’s risk tolerance or regulatory requirements. Anything within the acceptance set is deemed to be within an acceptable level of risk or performance, while outcomes outside this set would be considered too risky or undesirable.


A company might define its acceptance set for investment returns as any outcome that provides at least a 5% return with no more than a 10% chance of loss. Investment options within this set would be considered acceptable.

Key points

Defines a range of acceptable outcomes or risks.

Used in risk management and decision-making.

Helps ensure decisions align with goals and risk tolerance.

Quick Answers to Curious Questions

It’s used to determine which outcomes or risks are acceptable, helping guide decisions towards options that meet specific criteria.

Term: Acceptance Set

Yes, acceptance sets can be adjusted based on changes in an organization’s goals, risk tolerance, or external conditions.
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