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Alpha is a measure of an investment's performance relative to a benchmark index, representing the value that a portfolio manager adds or subtracts from a fund’s return. A positive alpha indicates that the investment has outperformed the market or its benchmark, while a negative alpha suggests underperformance. Alpha is a key metric in active management, where the goal is to achieve returns above the market average by making strategic investment decisions.


If a mutual fund has a return of 10% while its benchmark index returns 8%, and the risk-adjusted difference is 2%, then the fund has an alpha of 2.

Key points

Measures the performance of an investment relative to a benchmark.

Positive alpha indicates outperformance; negative alpha indicates underperformance.

Important in assessing the value added by active portfolio management.

Quick Answers to Curious Questions

A positive alpha indicates that an investment has outperformed its benchmark index, suggesting effective management or strategy.

Alpha is used to assess whether a portfolio manager has added value beyond what could be achieved by simply tracking a benchmark index, taking into account the level of risk taken.

Yes, a negative alpha means the investment has underperformed its benchmark, indicating that the returns were lower than expected given the level of risk.
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