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Monetisation refers to the process of converting something into money or generating revenue from an asset, service, or activity. This can involve creating income from previously non-revenue-generating activities, such as content creation, intellectual property, or government debt. In the digital economy, monetisation strategies often involve advertising, subscriptions, or selling products or services.


A YouTuber monetises their channel by enabling ads and receiving revenue from the views and clicks on those ads.

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The process of converting assets or activities into money or generating revenue.

Common in digital platforms through ads, subscriptions, and services.

Can also refer to governments monetising debt by issuing currency.

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Monetisation is the process of converting an asset or activity into money or generating revenue from it.

They typically monetise through advertising, subscriptions, or sales of products and services.

It refers to the process of a government financing debt by printing money or selling government bonds.
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